Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Welcome friends and family of the Children at Risk students!

Thank you so much for the way you continue to invest in our lives by loving and praying for us. As this is the first blog let us start by introducing ourselves:

Trisha Cullington
Age: 23 (for 11 more days!!!)
From: Canada

Rebecca Stauffer
Age: 22
From: Switzerland

Elin Madsen
Age: 25
From: Norway

Lindsay Diederichs
Age: 19
From: USA

Samuel Tsukii
Age: 24
From: Japan

Mary and Methode Kamanzi
Ages: Not allowed to say :)
From: Rwanda

This blog will be updated weekly and will serve to let all of you stay up to date on the happenings of the team here in Rwanda, so check back weekly! We will be posting prayer requests, stories of our adventures, and just general things the team wishes to share with all of you. Please feel free to leave us comments, directed towards all of us or for individuals (You don’t have to be a member, just sign your name and use the anonymous comments section). Either way, we just love hearing from you and will make sure the right people get the messages from the comments section!

Herzlich Willkommen Freunde und Familie von „Children at Risk“ Studenten!
Wir danken euch, dass ihr in unsere Leben investiert mit Gebeten und Liebe für uns.

Da dies der erste Eintrag in unserem „Blog“ ist, werden wir uns vorstellen:

Trisha Cullington
Alter: 24
Von: Kanada

Rebecca Stauffer
Alter: 22
Von: Schweiz

Elin Madsen
Alter: 25
Von: Norwegen

Lindsay Diederichs
Alter: 19
Von: USA

Samuel Tsukii
Alter: 24
Von: Japan

Mary and Methode Kamanzi
Alter: Nicht erlaubt zu sagen J
Von: Ruanda