The boy on the left is Ishimwe (9) and the younger is Nshimiyamana (6).
They are brothers and came in 2004 to the orphanage, because their parents both died at the same day and there was no other relatives or siblings, who could take care of them.
But I love watching them, how Ishimwe takes care of his younger brother and to see, how much they love each other. They spend a lot of time together playing, talking or just sitting around.
So, I am so blessed, that I have the honor, to meet and to get to know this two lovely boys!
Ishimwe is a real boy. He loves to play rough games and running around. But he loves to come, sit on my lap, then he puts my arm around his stomach and just sits still and holds my hands. Well, today tough, something really funny happen.
We were eating banana for a little snack after naptime and homework, and then I watched him, as he stood in front of one of the windows, watching himself eating the banana. He noticed that he had a little piece of banana on his lip. Instead of taking it with his tongue and eat it, he tried to blow it away, but with no success. So I started laughing, because he looked back in the window, just to find out, that the piece is still there. And then he was so surprised, that it showed it in his face expression. It was just cute and great….
Nshimiyamana is at times a real boy, playing rough games with the other 3 boys at the home, but then, there are days where he just doesn’t want to do anything. He’d rather sits on my lap, playing with my watch. Oh, I almost forgot: He loves to give me kisses! Today, he gave me sooo many kisses and he also tried to kiss me on my mouth! Well, I was fast enough to recognise, what he wants, so I stopped him… J But he looks up to his older brother, his older brother is everything for him.
So, these were only 2 great kids from the home, and there are 10 others…!!! I have a great time, helping them with their homework, playing, drawing, making fun, tickling them or caring them on my back around the house.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Samuel's story...
I’m having a lot of fun with my ministry. Children in the village of Busanza have so much energy, they are curious for everything they see. I taught them how to brush their teeth. For many of them, it was first time to brush their teeth, so they where bleeding a lot. But they didn’t care whether their saliva are red or not, they showed me proudly their teeth with nice smiles.
Stories from Rwanda are coming!!!
Sorry it has been so long since we have updated the blog. I have collected stories from everyone about their placements and over the next couple of days will be posting them, hopefully with pictures. Thanks for your continued love, support, and prayers for all of us.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Prayer Requests…
Elin – Wisdom in seeking how God can use her in the Winner’s Home
Mary – Managing her schedule, discernment for if she should still pursue working with the government because as of right now it is not working out so well, family life
Rebecca – Seeking God to show her where she fits in the preschool and if she should potentially move up to the primary school
Samuel – Wisdom in communicating faith without offending the people he is working with, and wisdom in what he can teach the kids he is working with
Trisha – Wisdom in ways she can continue to work alongside Jackie in the widow’s ministry, and ways that she can help support Jackie to feel free to go and take the school she has been accepted to in Montana, USA
Mary – Managing her schedule, discernment for if she should still pursue working with the government because as of right now it is not working out so well, family life
Rebecca – Seeking God to show her where she fits in the preschool and if she should potentially move up to the primary school
Samuel – Wisdom in communicating faith without offending the people he is working with, and wisdom in what he can teach the kids he is working with
Trisha – Wisdom in ways she can continue to work alongside Jackie in the widow’s ministry, and ways that she can help support Jackie to feel free to go and take the school she has been accepted to in Montana, USA
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Our Ministry Choices...
Elin – In the mornings Elin will be working in the Arise and Shine preschool program. In the afternoons she will be working at a local small orphanage called Winners Home.
Mary – Mary is working with the local government two days a week and is spending the rest of her time with YWAM’s HIV/AIDS ministry called APRICOM.
Rebecca – In the mornings Rebecca will also be working in the Arise and Shine preschool program. As well in the afternoons she will be working at Winners Home. On Thursday afternoons she will be working with a choir at a secondary school.
Samuel – Samuel is working with a local ministry called Hope for Homes For Children. They are an organization that helps child headed households, grandparent headed households and households where the parent in charge of the household has HIV/AIDS.
Trisha – Trisha is working mainly with YWAM’s Widow’s ministry. As well one day a week she is working with a prostitution program.
There will be a better explanation of each of the ministries we are working in, as well as our specific prayer requests posted later this upcoming week. Thank you for joining us in prayer as we work alongside the local missionaries here in Rwanda.
Mary – Mary is working with the local government two days a week and is spending the rest of her time with YWAM’s HIV/AIDS ministry called APRICOM.
Rebecca – In the mornings Rebecca will also be working in the Arise and Shine preschool program. As well in the afternoons she will be working at Winners Home. On Thursday afternoons she will be working with a choir at a secondary school.
Samuel – Samuel is working with a local ministry called Hope for Homes For Children. They are an organization that helps child headed households, grandparent headed households and households where the parent in charge of the household has HIV/AIDS.
Trisha – Trisha is working mainly with YWAM’s Widow’s ministry. As well one day a week she is working with a prostitution program.
There will be a better explanation of each of the ministries we are working in, as well as our specific prayer requests posted later this upcoming week. Thank you for joining us in prayer as we work alongside the local missionaries here in Rwanda.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Ministry Visiting Updates…
Last week we visited three other ministries. They included a street children’s ministry and two orphanages. The street children’s ministry has been running for quite a while on very little money and a lot of heart and love for the kids. The people who work in the ministry are very dedicated, caring and quality people. It was cool to see how that program runs.
The orphanages we visited were both very different. One had a lot of babies, who we helped feed and hold. The other was a smaller home run orphanage with 11 children and dedicated staff working there. It was eye opening for all of us on the team to really see with our own eyes, things that we have spent the last three months learning about during the lecture phase of our school. It truly was an example of what kind of living situation is in the best interest of the child.
This week we have visited a local church that also runs primary and secondary schools as well as vocational training schools. Many of the students are street children, orphans, and living in extreme poverty. One of the biggest problems for youth in this country is that many are not able to pay their school fees are therefore not able to go to school unless outside support is found and provided to them.
We will finish of this week visiting 3 – 4 other ministries and then we will be praying about where we will be doing our placements for the remaining 4 months here. We all start week one of our placements next Monday. Once we have selected our placements I will post the details of each person’s placement and their specific prayer requests. Stay tuned.
Update an Besuche der Organisationen...
Letzte Woche besuchten wir 3 verschiedene Organisationen. Eine Arbeit mit Strassenkindern und 2 Waisenhäuser. Das Programm für Strassenkinder existiert nun schon seit einiger Zeit mit sehr wenig Geld und viel Herz und Liebe für die Kinder. Die Mitarbeiter sind sehr motiviert und investieren viel Zeit in dieses Programm. Es war genial zu sehen, wie das Programm funktioniert.
Die Waisenhäuser waren sehr verschieden. Das eine hatte viele Kleinkinder, welche wir Essen einlöffelten und hielten. Das andere war wesentlich schmaler, hat 11 Kinder und Mitarbeiter, die wirklich für die Kinder da sind. Es war ein augenöffnendes Erlebnis, Dinge zu sehen, die wir während den ersten 3 Monate in der Schweiz gelernt haben. Es war gut zu sehen, welche Lebenssituation das Ideale wäre für Kinder in solchen Situationen.
Diese Woche besuchten wir auch eine Kirche, die eine Primar und Sekundarschule sowie eine Ausbildungsstätte für verschiedene Berufe hat. Viele der Schüler sind Strassenkinder, Waise und/oder leben in extremer Armut. Eines der grössten Probleme für die Jugendlichen in diesem Land ist, dass sie kein Geld haben, um das Schulgeld zu bezahlen (obwohl es für uns nichts wäre: ca. 200 US$ pro Jahr). Die Kirche versucht, Unterstützer zu finden für die Jugendlichen, da Bildung das Wichtigste ist in diesem Land.
Wir beenden diese Woche unsere Besuche bei verschiedenen Programmen mit 3 – 4 letzten Besuche und dann werden wir darüber beten, wo wir für die nächsten 4 Monate arbeiten werden.
Unser wirklicher „Arbeitsbeginn“ ist nächsten Montag.
Sobald jeder seinen Arbeitsort gewählt hat, werdet ihr auf dieser Seite erfahren, wer wo arbeitet und welches die Gebetsanliegen jener Person ist….
The orphanages we visited were both very different. One had a lot of babies, who we helped feed and hold. The other was a smaller home run orphanage with 11 children and dedicated staff working there. It was eye opening for all of us on the team to really see with our own eyes, things that we have spent the last three months learning about during the lecture phase of our school. It truly was an example of what kind of living situation is in the best interest of the child.
This week we have visited a local church that also runs primary and secondary schools as well as vocational training schools. Many of the students are street children, orphans, and living in extreme poverty. One of the biggest problems for youth in this country is that many are not able to pay their school fees are therefore not able to go to school unless outside support is found and provided to them.
We will finish of this week visiting 3 – 4 other ministries and then we will be praying about where we will be doing our placements for the remaining 4 months here. We all start week one of our placements next Monday. Once we have selected our placements I will post the details of each person’s placement and their specific prayer requests. Stay tuned.
Update an Besuche der Organisationen...
Letzte Woche besuchten wir 3 verschiedene Organisationen. Eine Arbeit mit Strassenkindern und 2 Waisenhäuser. Das Programm für Strassenkinder existiert nun schon seit einiger Zeit mit sehr wenig Geld und viel Herz und Liebe für die Kinder. Die Mitarbeiter sind sehr motiviert und investieren viel Zeit in dieses Programm. Es war genial zu sehen, wie das Programm funktioniert.
Die Waisenhäuser waren sehr verschieden. Das eine hatte viele Kleinkinder, welche wir Essen einlöffelten und hielten. Das andere war wesentlich schmaler, hat 11 Kinder und Mitarbeiter, die wirklich für die Kinder da sind. Es war ein augenöffnendes Erlebnis, Dinge zu sehen, die wir während den ersten 3 Monate in der Schweiz gelernt haben. Es war gut zu sehen, welche Lebenssituation das Ideale wäre für Kinder in solchen Situationen.
Diese Woche besuchten wir auch eine Kirche, die eine Primar und Sekundarschule sowie eine Ausbildungsstätte für verschiedene Berufe hat. Viele der Schüler sind Strassenkinder, Waise und/oder leben in extremer Armut. Eines der grössten Probleme für die Jugendlichen in diesem Land ist, dass sie kein Geld haben, um das Schulgeld zu bezahlen (obwohl es für uns nichts wäre: ca. 200 US$ pro Jahr). Die Kirche versucht, Unterstützer zu finden für die Jugendlichen, da Bildung das Wichtigste ist in diesem Land.
Wir beenden diese Woche unsere Besuche bei verschiedenen Programmen mit 3 – 4 letzten Besuche und dann werden wir darüber beten, wo wir für die nächsten 4 Monate arbeiten werden.
Unser wirklicher „Arbeitsbeginn“ ist nächsten Montag.
Sobald jeder seinen Arbeitsort gewählt hat, werdet ihr auf dieser Seite erfahren, wer wo arbeitet und welches die Gebetsanliegen jener Person ist….
Weekend Adventures…
This Saturday the team had the pleasure of going to New Jambo for our team meeting. Most of us learned how to make japoties and we ate delicious food. The weather was wonderful and the view out onto the lake was incredible. Some people even got to go on a boat ride.
Sunday was Trisha’s 24th birthday. The team made her feel special and celebrated with a surprise when she woke up, an amazing lunch out at the local Italian restaurant and a surprise there as well. The team (minus one) also went to a worship church service that evening at the local English church here.
As much celebrating as was done for Trisha on Sunday, there were also tears as the team said goodbye to one of their own. Lindsay, an incredibly smart and wonderful part of our team, flew back to Switzerland on Sunday to pick up the rest of her stuff and then head back to her home in the United States. Lindsay will be at school completing the last year and a half of her university degree. She is already missed greatly … We love you Lindsay!
Wochenend Abenteuer...
Diesen Samstag gingen wir als ein Team zu New Jambo für unser Teammeeting. Die meisten des Teams lernten, wie man Chapatis macht und wir hatten unglaublich gutes Essen. Das Wetter war wundervoll, und der Ausblick auf den See was unbeschreiblich! Einige hatten sogar die Möglichkeit, auf eine Bootsreise zu gehen!
Sonntag war Trisha’s 24er Geburtstag. Das Team zeigte ihr, wie viel sie uns bedeutet und das Team überraschte sie wenn sie erwachte, hatten geniales Mittagessen in einem italienischen Restaurant und eine kleine Überraschung. Das Team (minus 1) ging anschliessend zu einem Lobpreisgottesdienst in der Englischkirche.
Obwohl wir Trisha’s Geburstag gefeiert hatten und eine super Zeit hatten, gab es einen Teil an diesem Tag, der uns zum weinen brachte, als wir „Tschüss“ zu Lindsay sagen mussten. Lindsays, ein unglaublich intelligenter und wunderbarer Teil unseres Team, flog zurück zur Schweiz, um den Rest ihres Gepäcks zu holen und dann zurück nach Amerika zu fliegen. Sie geht zurück an die Universität. Wir vermissen sie jetzt schon…. Wir haben dich lieb Lindsay!!!




Sunday was Trisha’s 24th birthday. The team made her feel special and celebrated with a surprise when she woke up, an amazing lunch out at the local Italian restaurant and a surprise there as well. The team (minus one) also went to a worship church service that evening at the local English church here.
As much celebrating as was done for Trisha on Sunday, there were also tears as the team said goodbye to one of their own. Lindsay, an incredibly smart and wonderful part of our team, flew back to Switzerland on Sunday to pick up the rest of her stuff and then head back to her home in the United States. Lindsay will be at school completing the last year and a half of her university degree. She is already missed greatly … We love you Lindsay!
Wochenend Abenteuer...
Diesen Samstag gingen wir als ein Team zu New Jambo für unser Teammeeting. Die meisten des Teams lernten, wie man Chapatis macht und wir hatten unglaublich gutes Essen. Das Wetter war wundervoll, und der Ausblick auf den See was unbeschreiblich! Einige hatten sogar die Möglichkeit, auf eine Bootsreise zu gehen!
Sonntag war Trisha’s 24er Geburtstag. Das Team zeigte ihr, wie viel sie uns bedeutet und das Team überraschte sie wenn sie erwachte, hatten geniales Mittagessen in einem italienischen Restaurant und eine kleine Überraschung. Das Team (minus 1) ging anschliessend zu einem Lobpreisgottesdienst in der Englischkirche.
Obwohl wir Trisha’s Geburstag gefeiert hatten und eine super Zeit hatten, gab es einen Teil an diesem Tag, der uns zum weinen brachte, als wir „Tschüss“ zu Lindsay sagen mussten. Lindsays, ein unglaublich intelligenter und wunderbarer Teil unseres Team, flog zurück zur Schweiz, um den Rest ihres Gepäcks zu holen und dann zurück nach Amerika zu fliegen. Sie geht zurück an die Universität. Wir vermissen sie jetzt schon…. Wir haben dich lieb Lindsay!!!
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