Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Prayer Requests…

Elin – Wisdom in seeking how God can use her in the Winner’s Home

Mary – Managing her schedule, discernment for if she should still pursue working with the government because as of right now it is not working out so well, family life

Rebecca – Seeking God to show her where she fits in the preschool and if she should potentially move up to the primary school

Samuel – Wisdom in communicating faith without offending the people he is working with, and wisdom in what he can teach the kids he is working with

Trisha – Wisdom in ways she can continue to work alongside Jackie in the widow’s ministry, and ways that she can help support Jackie to feel free to go and take the school she has been accepted to in Montana, USA

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Our Ministry Choices...

Elin – In the mornings Elin will be working in the Arise and Shine preschool program. In the afternoons she will be working at a local small orphanage called Winners Home.

Mary – Mary is working with the local government two days a week and is spending the rest of her time with YWAM’s HIV/AIDS ministry called APRICOM.

Rebecca – In the mornings Rebecca will also be working in the Arise and Shine preschool program. As well in the afternoons she will be working at Winners Home. On Thursday afternoons she will be working with a choir at a secondary school.

Samuel – Samuel is working with a local ministry called Hope for Homes For Children. They are an organization that helps child headed households, grandparent headed households and households where the parent in charge of the household has HIV/AIDS.

Trisha – Trisha is working mainly with YWAM’s Widow’s ministry. As well one day a week she is working with a prostitution program.

There will be a better explanation of each of the ministries we are working in, as well as our specific prayer requests posted later this upcoming week. Thank you for joining us in prayer as we work alongside the local missionaries here in Rwanda.